Colored Pencil Tips and Tricks
Some people may think that working in colored pencil can be an easy task to accomplish. However that is not always the case. If you want to create a high quality piece it is going to take a lot of time and effort to achieve your goal.
This is a colored pencil drawing I completed a few weeks ago on Gray Strathmore Paper. One of the things that I love about using gray paper for colored pencil projects is that you can be a lot more subtle with your shading and still get a nice color quality. One problem that I have run into in the past with colored pencil drawings is that constantly layering and reworking the same area with colors can cause the paper to curl up.
To combat this I would suggest doing layers of light pressure shading to achieve the values you desire. Yes this will take more time to finish, but you will be less likely to have the paper curl or tear. Another trick you can use to achieve smooth blending is to use either a colorless blender pencil or marker. I prefer the marker to the pencil because it doesn't leave any sort of waxy finish on the paper. I know it sounds like a weird concept but has a truly remarkable effect on colored pencil drawings. The ink in the marker breaks down the wax of the colored pencil and allows the colors to blend with the ones next to them. I used this technique extensively when working on this chameleon drawing.
Colored pencil drawings can be fun and just as professional as other art forms if you give them the time and dedication they deserve. With patience and practice you can create some stunning drawings that really pop.
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