A Variety of Mediums

     If someone where to ask me what my favorite artistic medium was I would have to think for a while. I've gotten to a point where I switch off quite frequently between a variety of dry and wet mediums depending on the day and the project I want to do. I don't think I would be able to pick a single favorite. I could give a list of my favorites though. I most enjoy using graphite, Charcoal, Colored Pencil, Pens and Markers, and Acrylic Paint. 
     I use each of these mediums for different purposes and to achieve different looks and standards for the piece that I am working on. If I wanted a piece to be textured and slightly abstracted I would go with acrylic paint over colored pencils, but I would never use acrylic paint to try to create an extremely detailed realistic piece. I think for artists it is important to get to know a variety of mediums that you can be proficient in. Even if you have one that is your absolute favorite, it is great to have several you enjoy that way you don't burn yourself out by doing the same thing over and over again. You could also have a bigger variety of mediums to mix in case you want to try creating mixed media pieces at some point. Mixed media pieces allow you to combine your favorite aspects and elements of each medium into one dynamic piece. My two favorite mediums to mix currently are pens and colored pencil. You can get smooth blending that you would expect from colored pencils and yet harsh clean lines from the pens.
    There are many famous artists who became famous from one medium that they were proficient in and yet they had others they also enjoyed. In a way that second medium becomes a sanctuary away from the professional world. They can express themselves in a different fashion away from the spotlight and create works just for themselves.

What about you, what mediums do you love to use?


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